We have reached the time of year when student behaviors tend to become more challenging. This past week, in particular, we have seen an increase in students choosing to resolve conflicts physically, which is simply not how we function as a school community.
In response, we will be reinforcing our expectations with students during their electives and PE classes on Monday. However, this is a shared effort, and we need your partnership. Please take time to talk with your child about the importance of making positive choices, prioritizing their academic development, and maintaining a respectful learning environment.
Additionally, students need to be aware of the following:
Any suspension from this point forward will result in the loss of end-of-year privileges.
Hall sweeps will begin on Monday to address the ongoing issue of students arriving late to class.
Students must also be mindful of their language. Disrespectful, inappropriate, or offensive remarks—whether directed at peers or staff—will not be tolerated.
We believe in holding students accountable while also supporting their growth. Thank you for your continued partnership in reinforcing the values that make our school a safe and supportive place for all.